Thursday, July 31, 2008

Restricted Anew

Chewie is a lunatic.

She likes to jump off the bed to play fetch. High and hard and far and fast, she jumps jumps jumps, off and on. She was cleared to jumop after time off for the toe... until now. Here's the latest:

We were playing fetch last night -- and videotaping it... it's a training exercise (eventually, i may teach her to 'fetch' juice out of the fridge)... and she flew off the bed further than usual to grab her phallic sock tennis thingy (it's a baton-shaped tennis ball that she loves, covered in one of my socks that i was wearing when i went low. it looks ridiculous)....

she flew off the bed to fetch, splayed oddly out on landing (didn't stick it, as the nbc commentators will soon say in beijing)... and then walked to the toy, which rolled to the fridge. She then started whining -- loudly -- sadly... Shannon sad it was the saddest thing she's EVER heard. Chewie whined and cried and turned and left her beloved phallus toy sock ball, limped to me, sat in front of me, and whimpered. it was almost midnight, and i told her it was okay, and patted her head and such, freaking a bit. shan was freaking, gwen was concerned too.

we were gonna call michele, but shan said, see how she's walking first... and she was walking fine. not limping. so i didn't call.

then we played more (not as active) games... but later in the evening, she limped again... and jenn (not i) called michele, who said, tether her to the bed and go to sleep, no more playing, i'll see it in the morning.

she was walking fine this morning, slightly limping -- at first we thought it was a different paw, but upon inspection, it was clearly the same one. slightly swollen, not much. a slight limp, after having none -- hardly noticeable unless you're seeking it.

so... she's ok... but she's not allowed to jump off the bed for two months. sixty days. we shall restrict her, yes we shall. the firecrackerface.

she's gonna be PISSED...!

so, despite this mishap, she passed a run-thru of the certification test today, did great... as did jae and gwen and odie... among all of 'em... so, we're getting there. two more days, after today. is all.

SOTP: "There She Goes Again" by R.E.M., off of Dead Letter Office

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