Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Endorsement Opportunity

Chooey is getting a few endorsement opportunities. As her manager, I am weeding through some scripts and options. If y'all have any thoughts, please let me know, at

feedback-chewiefanclub@ labradoodledandy.obama08.ledzeppelin.squatspotter.chuckwagon.

Here's one of the offers; I'll scan another later:

Suburban home, one tree, NO visible foreclosure notices, crisp white picket fence. Steam rises from a pile of something below shot level, wafting onto the porch. Mean Guy enters shot from front door:

MEAN GUY: (note: casting agent is hoping for Roger Clemens): Arrgh! Who pooped on my lawn? Grrrr!

Dog Owner and Chuey walk into shot from screen left. Closeup of D.O. as Chewy sits and tail wags adorably. Chewie sniffs the air, tail stops wagging, as she looks at the steam. Speak to CG folks about steam coloring, as yet undecided.

DOG OWNER (Tobey McGuire-type): Not my dog! And even if she did, I'd have cleaned it up with new Doggy Diapers! And no one would be the wiser! (smiles like a dink)

Voiceover, of either Gene Hackman or Tom Brokaw, depending on availability (see schedule, attached as page 3D): Doggy diapers are better than those old-hat blue bags. When you're carrying a blue bag, EVERYONE knows there's a lump of shit (check with legal; alternative: "poo") in your bag -- and it's even hard to find a garbage bin willing to accept it.

CUT TO: Garbage bin frowning. Research of this is possible.

DOG OWNER: (as Chooie turns sideways, then rear view -- head away from us, butt at screen front, with her head looking at us over her shoulder, like an astronaut in a pre-mission, thumbs-up, "It's a go for a Tuesday launch!" photo) But with Doggy Diapers, you simply slide the flexible foam cover -- made out of petroleum by-product and out-of-circulation Chinese currency -- right under your dog's rear fecal producing chamber! (check with legal; alternatives: "derrier" - "caboose" - "tooshie")

CUT TO: graphics of Snoopy squatting, as Woodstock and Pig Pen slide a Doggy Diaper under snoopy's backside. Graphics animate the sliding action of the diaper apparatus, but the "waste" appears as a Medicare supplemental prescription card invoice, and a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee donation card).

VOICEOVER: (If Hackman hasn't stormed off the set by now) Doggy Diapers not only CATCH the doodie... but once you have it, the Diaper Attachment folds up into this handy likeness of a Starbucks cup! No one knows you have a Venti pile of poop in your hands!

DOG OWNER: (Holding two coffee cups, and dog leash.) No more embarrassment! Now, when my dog's a chick magnet -- (Loni Anderson and Jaclyn Smith walk by, grinning giddily, gazing at Dog Owner. CASTING TO CHECK if they're still alive, and/or if a more youthful market can be targeted) -- I can work MY magic! (Runs hand holding leash through his poofed out suburbiafro)

VOICEOVER: Just make sure you keep track of which cup is yours, and which is Roverette's!

CUT TO: (Mean Guy looking quizzically at a coffee cup. Scratches head. Picks scab off needle mark on arm.) Grrr?

CHEWIE: (Giggling like she's had three cosmos) Woof!

VOICEOVER: Doggy Diapers! Available at Wal-Mart! Now, with 33% less of our usual carbon footprint!


SOTP: "Beercan" - Beck, off Mellow Gold

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